Fairway Golf Car Mobile Services

How Do I Know It Is Time To Get New Golf Cart Batteries?

new golf cart batteries

Do You Need New Golf Cart Batteries? If your golf cart breaks down while you are cruising one of the squares in The Villages or playing a round of golf, you will be faced with some problems. The biggest of which is the fact that you will have to call for your cart to be […]

How Long Does A Golf Cart Battery Last?

does your golf cart battery need to be replaced

Does Your Golf Cart Battery Need To Be Replaced? Let’s face it.  Golf cart batteries aren’t cheap. So, it is important to know exactly what you will get for your investment. To give you a rough idea of how long your golf cart batteries will last, let’s look at a few mitigating factors. If your […]

Golf Cart Batteries – 5 Maintenance Tips

golf cart batteries maintenance tips

Do You Need Golf Cart Batteries Maintenance Tips? The only thing perhaps worse than hooking your drive into another fairway would be if your cart broke down on the 5th hole with a long walk to the clubhouse awaiting you. Have you ever gotten that sinking feeling when you push the accelerator and…nothing happens? Like […]